Why a virtual training partner could be key to your fitness success

Reading time: 4 minutes

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It’s well known that training with others can increase the chances you’ll reach your fitness goals. 

Multiple studies document positive effects, indicating that training in company can increase the length of time you’ll sustain a tough exercise (+24%)[i], the number of calories you burn (+20%)[ii], and the time you spend working out (it can double)[iii].

You’ll also reduce the likelihood you’ll quit (by 34%)[iv]; reduce stress, increase enjoyment [v] and even increase the likelihood that you’ll maintain the weight loss you achieve (+42%)[vi].

They’re compelling statistics.

But life is busy. And sometimes the biggest challenge to getting going is something as simple as being able to leave your house to get to the gym at the same time every week.

The problem is, we’re time poor. So much so that the added hurdles of packing a gym bag, timing a pre-work out meal and driving to a class, can all-too-easily undermine our best intentions to raise our heart rate a few times a week.

And so we make a plan to exercise solo. It’ll mean we can fit it around our hectic lives, we tell ourselves. No one will have to see us wearing lycra, bonus. And it’ll save a bomb in gym fees, result! But there’s a problem…

True, there’s nothing stopping us.

But there’s not much starting us either.

The challenge is, without the expectation that we’ll actually be somewhere at a certain time, the freedom to exercise ‘at any time we like’ can all too-easily turn in to the reality of exercising at NO TIME AT ALL. Every day. Until this reluctant stasis becomes the habit we’re used to.

But there is another way.  Something that combines all of the benefits of training with others, without the practical constraints that come with attending a group exercise venue at the same time each week.

Say HELLO to a virtual training partner
Set aside visions of lycra-clad holograms. We’re talking about a REAL PERSON here. Perhaps someone you already train with occasionally. Perhaps someone on the other side of the world you wish you got to connect with more often! It could be your sister, your partner, a work colleague or even your mum.  The point is, it’s someone you’ve chosen to have by your (virtual) side as you take on a new fitness challenge.

How does it work?
First off, sign up with a reputable online fitness app, such as ours – Evolution Health and Fitness Online – which, importantly, includes a training buddy feature. Not all online fitness apps can offer this and it’s something that can literally double your training performance![vii].

Studies show that online fitness apps support positive behavioural change including increased time spent exercising[viii] which of course is absolutely crucial if you want to see results.

Throw in the additional benefits you get from a training partner and you have yourself an extremely powerful foundation for fitness success!

Why having a workout buddy can make such a difference:

  • Accountability – you’re in it together.  Someone else is depending on you which makes it harder to flake off!

  • Fellowship – a bit of camaraderie helps you achieve more. Want to set yourself a tough challenge? You’ll find there’s strength in numbers.

  • Competition – a little healthy competition is a good motivator. As the Köhler Effect shows, no one wants to be the weakest link in a group setting. You can take this natural competitive spirit as far as you like, or opt to keep things super supportive, it’s your choice.

  • Dedication -  Having your exercise regime scheduled together you are more likely to keep up with it than let someone else down.

  • Encouragement – when one of you isn’t feeling it, the other can provide support and encouragement that helps you push on though. A good partner won’t let you give up on something you’re serious about achieving.

  • Fun - it’s more fun than training on your own! The more you enjoy training the easier it will be to stick at.

  • Goal focus - sharing your goal with someone else, verbalising it and tracking progress together can have a massive impact.

When you’re trying to get fit, these motivators are EVERYTHING. Because it isn’t easy… you’ll encounter many challenges as you try to change your existing lifestyle and behaviours – everything from the way you currently eat, to the way you move, even how you sleep! 

But the statistics speak for themselves. Train in company and you’ll be better equipped to rise to these challenges.  Sign up with Evolution Health and Fitness online and you just might see yourself training more often, for longer, pushing yourself harder, being less likely to give up, and ultimately ACHIEVING MORE.

The case for a virtual training partner
Anyone who’s exercised with others before will know that it makes sense that a training buddy will increase your chances of success.

But what you might not have realised, up until now, is that your training partner doesn’t necessarily have to be in the same room as you when you work out.

In fact, a recent study by Stanford University has shown that simply scheduling a regular phone call with someone who’s taking an interest in your training can increase the amount you exercise by 78%![ix]

Imagine then, what you could do with a feature like Evolution Fitness’ training buddy at your fingertips?

You’d see that a virtual exercise buddy really can be just as influential as exercising with someone in person. Choose the right training partner and the right online fitness app and you’ll benefit from the encouragement of a friend as well as the expertise of a highly qualified personal trainer – without the usual costs of one-to-one support.

So what does the Evolution Health and Fitness training buddy app feature actually do?
By signing up to a 6 Week Online Body Transformation Programme with Evolution Health and Fitness, you’ll automatically have access to our newest and most exciting feature – training buddy.

Training buddy is basically an in-app messaging service that allows you to:

  • Share training info – when you’ve trained, how long for, any personal milestones you’ve reached

  • Send and receive in-app messages to help you encourage and motivate one another

  • Communicate as a ‘team’ with your Evolution Health and Fitness Training Expert. As part of the package you’ll benefit from regular messages from your Personal Trainer as well as ongoing support with managing your calorie intake.

Getting started with training buddy – with a bonus for you and your new fitness partner!
To access the new training buddy feature simply contact Evolution Health and Fitness and talk to one of the team. They’ll talk to you about who in your circle of friends, family and acquaintances might make a good training partner, and help you set them up on the programme.

About Evolution Health and Fitness
Evolution Health and Fitness is a friendly and supportive personal training business. Andy and Karen – a brother and sister team - have each run their own personal training businesses and have a wealth of expertise in personal health and fitness – both offline, for the last 17 years, and online, since 2017.

The Evolution Health and Fitness app has been carefully designed to make it easier to train at home in your own time. The team is continually evolving the app to include new functionality, and are always interested to hear how you’re using it and what you’d like to see in the next release.

Alongside being genuinely caring and motivating individuals, Andy and Karen have an impressive track record in helping their clients achieve transformational results.  Check out how their existing clients’ hard work is paying off by following them on Instagram or on Facebook.

Andy says: “If you’re interested in improving your fitness levels and changing your body shape then get in touch today. We’d love to help you on your fitness journey and show you just how much of a difference a virtual training partner can make.”

[i] Study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology

[ii] Virgin Active Study

[iii] Study by the Society of Behavioral Medicine

[iv] runtastic.com

[v] International Journal of Stress Management

[vi] University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

[vii] breakingmuscle.com

[viii]Study by the Journal of Medical Internet Research 

[ix] Stanford University

Andy Letham