Paul's Success Story

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Until 3 years ago, Paul was playing football regularly, however with two children under the age of 5, a desk job & a long commute, he was fighting the same battle as a lot of us - struggling to find the time and the drive to exercise. Paul realised something needed to change and he signed up for our Online Body Transformation Programme in May 2019. He achieved fantastic results over the 6 weeks of the programme and has since maintained his new found habits and accomplished even more. Read about his journey below.

“ I came into this programme with a low activity level, a poor diet and with a thousand excuses for both. The way this programme is designed removed all of those excuses:

“No time to exercise” - what, even if it’s 40 minutes 3 times a week?

“No time to go to the gym” - well you don’t need to, do the exercise in your living room.

“No idea how many calories I should eat to lose weight” - well, you get given a target and advice on how to start tracking it.

“No idea how to do the exercises” - well, you get given videos demonstrating them.

Overall it gave me the structure and support to enable me to make what I feel is a mindset shift in how I view exercise and my diet. It made me accountable for what I had become.

With the content of the programme combined with the blogs shared, it’s completely changed my viewpoint on my health and fitness. There is no quick win, there is hard work and being mindful of what you are eating. Tracking calories was a huge eye opener for me. It allowed me to make choices that weren’t entirely restrictive in terms of what I was eating, so I never felt I had to completely remove anything from my diet, which made it more sustainable.

The online programme really worked for me. I lost 13lbs in 6 weeks, felt better and slept a lot better. The structure it gives personally works for me. I don’t want to go to a gym 3 times a week, so it gives me the freedom to do workouts from home with the knowledge that there is science behind what I’m doing. I now want to take my health & fitness to a higher level”.

Congratulations, Paul. We know you are working hard towards your end of year goal and can’t wait to see your results!

If you are inspired by Paul’s success story and would like to sign up for our Online Body Transformation, register your interest here.

Success StoryAndy Letham