Andrew's Success Story

Andrew signed up to our 6 Week Online Body Transformation Programme in January 2023 as part of the Health and Wellbeing Initiative we run with his company, Causeway Technologies.

Andrew has always been ‘relatively active’ and cycles regularly, so he understands the importance of prioritising health and fitness, but was not a regular gym go-er.

After picking up a few bad habits through winter and deprioritising his exercise regime, Andrew, together with 26 other Causeway employees, kicked off the start of 2023 with a bang and got straight into the swing of things.

Here’s what he had to say about the programme:

“November and December of 2022 were not the greatest for my fitness (or my calorie intake) so having this plan in place helped get me back on track. When I first started the course I thought it would be just ‘here’s a six week plan, good luck’. This really wasn’t the case. The feedback I received from Andy throughout the 6 weeks was always appreciated.

The workouts are excellent and for someone who is not a regular gym user, I found them really effective. They provide the right amount of effort, they were hard but achievable. I did find it difficult to fit some sessions in but the ability to move workouts really helped.

The plan made me accountable for what I did and with Andy and Karen watching it certainly helped maintain the commitment. It gave me the kick start I needed this year. It was a great way to get my focus back onto health and wellbeing.

One of the key drivers for me participating in this programme was to get the drive and passion back for exercise ahead of a cycling trip to Mallorca – a bucket list trip for me. The training prior to doing this course was patchy at best with my mindset being “I play a bit of football and cycle once a week – it’ll be fine”. This was something I really wanted to change, I didn’t want to go to Mallorca and struggle up every climb, I wanted to be able to enjoy it and push hard to get a fairly decent time. The 6 week course was the start of this process. With a starting weight around 87-88 kg I had hoped to drop a little but wasn’t overly concerned with it as I am 6’2. As the weight started dropping off with the training, diet planning and encouragement from all at Evolution, I realised I could actually lose a fair chunk and potentially even become a mountain goat in Mallorca. With a finishing weight of around 83kg at the end of the plan I went to Mallorca feeling strong, mentally prepared and ready for the week of cycling ahead. The trip was incredible, the climbs were beautiful and I didn’t struggle up any of the mountain passes. The highlight was cycling up Sa Calobra (one of the most iconic climbs in Mallorca) with a sub 40 minute time, which is fairly decent, especially with a dodgy bike.”

Well done for all your hard work Andrew, I’m sure you’re not finished with the goal setting yet…looking forward to seeing what you can achieve next!

If you are inspired by Andrew’s Success Story, you can register your interest here for the 6 Week Online Body Transformation Programme or read about our other online programmes here.