Dee's Success Story

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Dee is a working mum of 2, and like all of us has been adapting to life in lockdown whilst juggling work and home schooling. She embarked on our Online Body Transformation Programme in January in an attempt to lose weight, tone up and improve her general health.

Of the programme, Dee said:

“The Online Body Transformation exceeded my expectations. I absolutely loved it, feel so much better and my enthusiasm for training is definitely back. Lockdown has truly been a trying time and it became so easy not to leave the house. This program felt like it supported and nurtured me in getting moving again at a pace I could grow with, so that I always felt I could achieve it, even though it was more difficult each week. I also started up running again alongside the programme and could feel myself getting faster and fitter as each week passed. Thank you so much, what a brilliant start to the year.”

Since finishing the programme, Dee has felt more energetic, is sleeping better and feels less stressed. She is continuing to strive for improved health and fitness and has moved onto our 12 Week Evolve Programme where we aim to make the habits learnt in the Online Body Transformation stick. Dee has set herself some new goals and we can’t wait to see what can be achieved. Well done for all your efforts, Dee!